

1. Virtual Page is not working

2. How to link a custom page in ExchangePress widget.

3. Refresh License

1. Virtual Page is not working

Our plugins Coinpress / Exchangepress / Massive Stock Widgets will provide a virtual page for each token.

Widgets can be linked to this virtual page by enabling the respective options in the settings and widget editor page.

Why do these Virtual pages break?

 1) If the URL format is empty or invalid in the settings.
 2) If the template page created by the plugin is deleted.
 3) If Wordpress rewrite rules are not flushed properly, while the plugin activation or virtual page URL settings change.

1) If the URL format is empty or invalid in the settings.
     - Verify the field value is not empty in the settings.
     - Also please make sure you have followed the allowed URL formats given on the settings page

NOTE: /[symbol] - is an invalid format please avoid this.

2) If the template page created by the plugin is deleted.
     - You can find the pages in the wp-admin pages list by the following name for the respective plugins,

Cryptocurrency Prices & Marketcap
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Stock Prices & Marketcap
Massive Stock

and you can reload the pages from the plugin settings, check for the Reload Content button to retain this page.

NOTE: For the Stock Widget Plugin, Go to Settings>>Asset Settings and uncheck the Create virtual pages and empty the Asset Links field value and reconfigure again and click the save button to retain the stock page content.

3) If Wordpress rewrite rules are not flushed properly, while the plugin activation or virtual page URL settings change
  - Please try saving the permalink settings once, no need to change any options just hit the save changes button once.
- This will flush the rewrite rules of Wordpress and will enable the virtual pages as well.

2. How to link a custom page in ExchangePress widget.


For custom pages in ExchangePress, you need to create an exchange page in the same slug that which plugin has.
Like, this link -, you need to create a page for Binance exchange with this slug 'binance'.

We shared some screenshots to help you.
Note: You can either use the virtual page or switch to custom pages, you can't have both at the same time.

1. Configure the virtual page URL settings like below, 


Disable the create virtual page option if you don't want to use the automated page.

2. Create a post or page with the exchange name and slug as URL, like below


You can add the shortcodes to add content to it, you can check the available text shortcodes on Settings >> Shortcodes under Advanced Shortcodes.

3Now the widget will have these pages links

And the page will look like this,

The style will not be applied to these custom pages, if you want to customize and you can do it, else you want the same UI, then you need to add some code to add the virtual page classes to these custom pages.

add_filter('body_class', 'add_page_classes');
function add_page_classes($classes) {
    if(is_page(array('1172'))){ // add the page id's in the array
        $classes[] = 'exchangepage';
        $classes[] = 'exchangegrid';
    return $classes;

Please add this code to your active child theme function.php, then the custom page will inherit the virtual page style, like below.


We hope this instruction will help you to link the ExchangePress widget to your custom pages.

Feel free to reach us if you need further assistance,

3. Refresh License

if you can't reach this site and you have activated the license in the lost domain, need to reuse the license in a different domain then you can try our license management system.

Here - please log in with the codecanyon credentials and you can find your purchased license here.

You can deactivate from there directly and reactivate the license in any other domain.