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Coins List is not updated Coinpress / Massive Cryptocurrency Widgets is integrated with Coingecko API data and provides the list of coins which has valid market cap value.So the number of coins available with the plugin may differ from the provider l ...

Detail About Coinmarketcap API Which plan/endpoint is preferred for Coinmarketcap?  - The endpoints required are covered with all plans provided by  -  You can try the free version first implement and based on your website t ...

Virtual Page is not working Our plugins Coinpress / Exchangepress / Massive Stock Widgets will provide a virtual page for each token.Widgets can be linked to this virtual page by enabling the respective options in the settings and widget editor page. ...

Cryptocurrency Data Update and Refresh When the page loads, it shows the cached price which is updated every 15 mins. Then the real-time update kicks in and updates the current price. Usually, there will not be much difference between these prices but if the marke ...

How To create a table with Top Gainers/Top Losers Please try out the following steps to know how it works Top Gainers and Losers: a) Select all coins in the table widgetb) Set table type simple or advanced type if you want pagination table layoutc) Use coins per page range ...

Refresh License if you can't reach this site and you have activated the license in the lost domain, need to reuse the license in a different domain then you can try our license management system.Here - please ...

Trailing Slash in coinpress sitemap This temporary fix will be included in next update. 1. Edit coinmarketcap.php file 2. Replace the mentioned line with below code $xml .= ''. user_trailingslashit($coinlink) .''; 3. Like below4. WP- ...

How to add the Massive Cryptocurrency Widget to Coinpress virtual pages without creating multiple widgets for each Coin? Note: To achieve this you need both Coinpress and Massive Cryptocurrency Widget as well.Do you want to add the Massive Crypto plugin widgets like the ticker or label or any other widget to the Coinpress virtual pages?      ...